Building bridges beyond borders for a sustainable protein sufficiency

03 - 21 - 22

2 New events


We are pleased to invite you to our next events on the topic “Building bridges beyond borders for a sustainable protein sufficiency” on 05 and 26 April 2022.

The project Circular-Bio (INTERREG V A – Projekt Netzwerk zirkuläre Bioökonomie) organizes in cooperation with the HiPerIn 2.0 project (High Performance Ingredients) two events about protein transition with the goal to share knowledge through guest speakers, exchange ideas between participants and create the opportunity for new initiatives and cooperations within the whole community.


1.  The first event will take place on 05 April 2022 from 03:00 p.m. – 04:30 p.m. CET as an online event in English and will be organized under the subtopic “The future of alternative proteins – Meeting the experts”.

Experts will share their knowledge in some major subthemes in Protein – Transition.

The webinar is started with a key-note broad introduction of the Protein-Transition in general selected experts will provide participants with insights into the following subthemes:

  • Health – Alternative proteins, how do they work?
  • Insects – The contribution of insects to our future diet
  • Plant protein – Plant proteins and their benefits
  • Revolutionary proteins – Revolutionary protein opportunities

Jeroen Willemsen (49) is known as the Protein commissioner of The Netherlands. His mission: to restore the protein balance in one generation.

With his experience as researcher (Wageningen-UR), entrepreneur (Ojah) and ecosystem-developer (Green Protein Alliance, The Protein Community), Jeroen has a clear vision on where the protein transition stands, how it can be further accelerated and how all stakeholders can profit.

Theo Verleun (Proteins and Insects)

After 35 years of experience in the international biotechnology world with topics such as food (beer, wine, bread etc) but also in biomass to energy and chemistry, Theo has in recent years focused on the renewable biomass commitment to biotech processes. Mainly focused on seaweed biorefinery and connected to the Brightlands Campus in Venlo for insect valley europe on insects (products) in the food chain.


Please register here for the first event.

Building bridges beyond borders for a sustainable protein sufficiency, part 1 – CLIB – Cluster industrielle Biotechnologie (


  1. The second event with the subtopic “Building business with proteins” will be about you, the participants! On 26 April 2022 from 03:00 p.m. – 04:30 p.m. CET we invite you to join us in a second event at Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo (The Netherlands). We want to know how you feel about protein transition. In this physical event there will be conversations, discussions and hopefully a lot of ideas on the four subthemes relating to protein transition. Hopefully, many new ideas will be shared, and new initiatives will emerge from this event. This second event will be held in German and Dutch.


Please register here for the second event.

Building bridges beyond borders for a sustainable protein sufficiency, part 2 – CLIB – Cluster industrielle Biotechnologie (<


More information 

Brightlands Greenport Venlo

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